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October 17, 2022
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Members of the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi employed by Rotorua Lakes Council will protest outside the council offices tomorrow in support of a cost of living pay claim and changes to the remuneration system.

Workers aim to send a clear message to council management during a protest at lunchtime Tuesday between midday and 2pm outside the Sir Howard Morrison Centre.

"Our members are just fed up with the attitude of management where our concerns are falling on deaf ears," said PSA organiser Kirstin Miller.

"For a long time, we’ve been unhappy with the process around adjusting pay. This coupled with the refusal of the council to acknowledge our need for a reasonable pay increase to compensate for the cost of living crisis has really damaged morale.

"The pay system is deeply flawed. This isn’t a system that rewards good performers but rather one that keeps people confused and seems aimed at keeping wages down. We’ve been trying to demystify it, but the council is refusing to implement new and improved wording into our collective, which would help to make the pay system more transparent.

"All our members want is a system that they can easily understand, that is fair and consistent and one that results in regular, reasonable pay increases that will help keep their heads above water at a really challenging time of high living costs.

"It doesn’t seem like too much to ask if the council really wants to deliver on its obligation to be a good employer and retain valued workers," said Kirstin Miller.

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